Cardamom Powder

For me, every spice blend starts with dissatisfaction, which sparks a journey of discovery, experimentation, and eventual triumph.
Cardamom powder is one such spice. Known as the “queen of spices,” cardamom was often found in a dull, nearly odorless form on grocery store shelves. But the whole cardamom pods I remember from India were filled with a strong, floral, citrusy aroma that I couldn’t find in any powdered form available here.
If I can’t find what I’m looking for, I make it myself. And so, I did. Grinding cardamom is no easy feat. The outer husk of cardamom doesn’t grind easily in a regular coffee grinder, so I invested in a heavy-duty grinder to achieve the right texture—a blend of the rough outer husk and the soft, fragrant inner seed. The aroma that filled the house was nothing short of intoxicating, and once the cardamom powder was ready, I was inspired to create.
The scent of freshly ground cardamom is unforgettable, evoking deep emotions and sparking creativity. I added it to my coffee and my husband’s tea, to “Kheer” (an Indian dessert), and to a green chili and cardamom chicken recipe that was a hit. The possibilities are endless, and this heavenly spice will elevate any dish you use it in. Try adding cardamom powder, pepper, lemon zest, and salt to seafood dishes for a surprising twist—you may just fall in love with the result.


Whole Green Cardamom powder.


Use a 1/4 tsp in your teas. Add it to desserts and home made cardamom icecream is the best.




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